martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Tarea diaria 7 de abril de 2020


Os presentamos un texto repleto de faltas de ortografía. ¿Nos ayudas a corregirlo? Vuélvelo a escribir de manera correcta.

  • Texto disponible AQUÍ.


First of all, thank you for your comments and proposals left yesterday! We will take them into account for developing this unit.

Today we want to introduce you the Solar System watching Dr. Binocs´s Show video.

We want you to watch this video explained by teacher Sergio which is going to help you on getting a better understanding of the Milky Way Galaxy.

For today, we ask you to complete this live worksheet on the following link. Just answer on this worksheet and when you finish click on FINISH, that's all done.


Do you know what is still-life drawing?

Still-life drawing it´s a piece of art in which animals, flowers, fruits and other objects are represented. It represents things that people like looking and using. 

Hereby, I leave you a picture as an example of a still-life drawing.

Today you´re going to make your still-life drawing following the steps of this video:

You just need to use a white paper and some markers or crayons.

Looking forward to see your pieces of art! =)

8 comentarios:

  1. Tarea de science enviada

    1. Sobre la tarea de lengua, lo más rápido hemos pensado editar el formulario desde Google docs y compartírtelo, Mamen.
      Ya nos dirás ;)

  2. Soy Mikel tarea de science enviada y lo de lengua tengo la duda de si hay que enviartelo o no Elena.

  3. Podéis hacer la tarea como queráis, pero al no ser viernes, no es necesario que nos la enviéis. Un saludo y ¡ánimo!

  4. hello
    Science homework submitted

  5. Todo enviado. Al dibujo me ayudo un poco mi madre pero solo a dibujarlo
