viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Reto 10: 12 de junio de 2020

Good morning guys!!!!!!!!!

Today is Friday!!!!! Let´s make our day!!!!

Hereby it´s presented today´s challenge!!!! What do you have to do ????

Calculate a tree´s height!!!!!!

Have you ever wondered how tall a nearby tree is? Grab a friend and a stick and you can find out.

What you need:

  • A straight stick
  • A friend
  • Measuring tape

Steps to follow:

1. Face the tree. Hold the stick straight out in front of you. Move closer or further away until the stick top is level with the top of the tree, and the trunk base lines up where you´re holding the stick.

2. Get your friend to stand by the tree, facing you, so that his or her feet level with the base of your stick.

3. Turn the stick through a 90 degree angle to your right. The stick base should still be lined up with the tree base.

4. Tell your friend to walk away from the trunk to his left. Stop him when he reaches the end of the stick. Measuring that distance will give you the tree´s height.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola soy Alaia ¿la tarea de hoy es opcional?.

    1. Sí Alaia, las tareas de este mes son opcionales salvo alguna que pongamos que es obligatoria, como la de música del otro día.
      Un saludo,

